Majority of the month has been taken up with learning new pathways with Altered Abilities. Adaption is the key to facing a new challenge in daily living, rolling with the changes as they come along and taking a flexible approach has allowed me to explore new options I would have not previously thought of as acceptable. More and more it is becoming an issue where the pressures we place on ourselves are to do with the amount of work we have made for ourselves and being told there is a certain way everything must be done.
It is evitable when we approach everything with specific guidelines, we feel failure if the task is not achieved. What if it was accepted that everyone had their own set of instructions that worked best for them. The end result is still the same just the path taken differs depending on the individual. Controlling every aspect of our lives is only great when all of it runs like a well-oiled machine, letting go and asking for support in whichever area you are not so good at gives another the potential to feel they are providing a valuable contribution. Workloads can lighten while broadening the scope of people able to offer their unique skills or talents.